

The Tepanecs were one of the tribes I habiting the Lake Texcoco Region. Settling in the west shores of the lake.
Their name comes from Tepayaocan, their origin city, meaning "the passing by" which was also known as Tepano. 

The name Tepanec means "the people of the bridge" or "stone passage" in Nahuatl. They were usually depicted with a Calli, with a stone. Hence the stone meaning.

The Tepanecs constituted one of their 7 tribes of Chicomoztoc to start The Great Migration out of Aztlan. To which they founded Azcapotzalco, which was the main Altepetl of the region named Tepanecapan

Ruled by their Tlatoani, Acolnahuacatl, the Tepanecs conquered the city of Azcapotzalco.

Another Tlatoani named Tezozomoc, (estimated to be 1367 - 1426) brought them to their best power before, making them controlling almost the entirety of the Valley of Mexico, including parts of Toluca and the Morelos Valleys. After the death of Tezozomoc in 1426 A.D., his sons Tayatzin, and Maxtla, became Tlatoani. Maxtla probably poisoning Tayatzin. Maxtla in 1426 was overthrown by the Aztec Triple Alliance. 

In 1428 Azcapotzalco was subjected to the Tlatoani of Tlacaelel which burned the city to the ground, causing the Empire to fall.

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The Cultural Legendary Origin location of the Aztec.