

One of the tribes inhabiting the Lake Texcoco Region.
Their name Xochimilco "flower field" in Nahuatl. Which mentions the many Chinampas that grew in the region they resided in.

The Xochimilco are part of The Great Migration from Aztlan at Chicomoztoc to promised lands.

First settling in an area known and named as Cuauhilama near present day Santa Cruz Acalpixa.

The first settlements known are the sites of Cuicuilco, Copilco, and Topilco which were made during the Mesoamerican Classic Period. 

The Xochimilco created their first tlatoani named Acatonallo. The Xochimilco were mainly farmers, and Acatonallo is credited for making a system named the Chinampa System which increased production in Agriculture.

The city of Xochimilco was founded in 919 A.D. becoming the capital of the Xochimilcos, and it grew to conquer the south side of lakes like Mixquic, Tlahuac, Culhuacan

They had one ruler that was a woman, which was not popular in Mesoamerica, who introduced additions to the area's food, which included Necuatolli, Chileatolli, Esquitas, and Tlapiques.

In 1352 A.D. the Tlatoani Caxtoltzin, moved the city of Xochimilco from mainland to an island named Tillan, compared to the other city of Tenochtitlan. 

In 1376 A.D., Tenochtitlan waged war with the Xochimilco, making them call the city of Azcapotzalco for help in the situation. Tenochtitlan failed however in conquering them, and now Xochimilco had to pay tribute to Azcapotzalco.

In 1430 A.D. Tenochtitlan conquered the Xochimilco by the tlatoani Itzcoatl, and they built a causeway to connect the Tenochtitlan island and the Xochimilco city center.
When the Aztec Tlatoani Moctezuma Ilhicamina reigned, the Xochimilco payed resources and manpower to the Aztec to build the Temple of Huitzilopochtli.

The Xochimilco also participated in the conquests of the Aztec: Cuauhnahuac, Xalisco, Metztitlan, and the Oaxaca Valley. Because of their great help, the Tlatoani Ahuitzotl gave the Xochimilco autonomy, and they had peace.

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The Cultural Legendary Origin location of the Aztec.